Saturday, July 18, 2009

bad things never come to an end this week

oh man... how can so many bad things happen in just one week. not to me personally but around the world and my family...

first i heard that my cousin is suffering from severe depression and post-natal blues. she was crying on the phone while talking to my mum. the sickening thing bout the whole situation is that her house is in a total mess so much so that there is no space for them to buy even a proper bed for my dear niece, cass, and she is still sleeping on the baby cot with her two legs still dangling out. and note its not that they have no money, its just that my cousin's husband can spend on 6 latest cams at one go and not b bothered bout his own daughter's welfare... urgh. no wonder my mum and sis loves calling him OG... obnoxious guy lol.

second thing was the jakarta marriot and ritz carlton bomb blast. just when u tot it was all safe and sound... then a whole grp of f-uped terrorist must spoil the whole scene. its coz of ppl like them that peace can never be totally achieved, hence the army is needed... my heart goes out to all those victims and their families that is involved in these acts of atrocity.

thirdly, some middle age guy died of h1n1 in singapore, hence becoming the first infected personnel to die. this is gonna push our med condition level up hence giving us much more trouble back in camp, with so many of the trainees getting infected with the virus... urgh. i smell nothing but trouble. bad things never just end where it shld. it always spreads and cause repercussions...