Saturday, February 20, 2010

holiday week :D


if all weeks were like this, life wld be great. but its ending LOL

everyday swim/bike/run/ then afternoon spend hanging out and catching up with the good old days, then at nite spam videos and dramas.

3 dramas to finish:
you are my destiny.
my fair lady.
brilliant legacy.

and cedric has been spamming all the snsd reality/variety shows on youtube (which btw is quite hilarious and addictive haha so much so tt im just dl-ing everything into my ipod to tide me through the impending monday blues)

oh yah watched percy jackson and the lightning thief. not too bad. though over simplistic plot whereby the antagonist reason for stealing Zeus' lightning bolt was rather illogical

PS: sorry if the blog entry doesnt sound coherent, just writing what comes to mind first.
PSS: the weather's been blazing like mad... i like totally sunburnt due to 2 days of mid day swims/cycles.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

failed attempts do have some fun in it :D

lol the swim session tdy totally failed :D

jj mel and i did went to the pool and in e water BUT.... instead 75% of the time was spent catching up on the good old times in jc and all e epic moments lol. back in 0622, havoc and nonsense seems to b e gist of the life haha. rmb e sembawang oct babies birthday which turned out t b e first and last one where e whole class turned up. and then all e i-space moments. LOL.

yea then in e end we actually wanted to go watch percy jackson and e lightning thief... but also failed hahaha as the earliest show was 1630h but jj gotta b at e airport by 1900h. so as usual its a hang and chill day lol.

yes everything we intended to do failed but it was still a great day :D

looking forward to yet a whole week of fun (out of camp!)

PS: i cant figure why certain opposites attract...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

so many things to do/ buy.... if i had the money

haha cny is coming and everyone's busy shopping for new year clothes and stuff. (me included)

so far ive only gotten a new shirt (:
yet to find myself a pair of shoes which i can frequently use for daily purposes. cant bear to use my white pedro shoe just to go to camp... LOL

hehe speaking of shopping sprees and stuff

there is so many things i wanna do/buy

ok first of all is def to settle the driving once and for all by march.

2ndly its to get a pair of shades hahahaha cool rite

yep then 3rd to save for my nxt yr europe trip

4th wld be to decide whether to go hongkong or bangkok with tandy and stanley in june/july period.

5th is diving at tioman with lester and tandy.

all equals big $$$
