Wednesday, February 17, 2010

failed attempts do have some fun in it :D

lol the swim session tdy totally failed :D

jj mel and i did went to the pool and in e water BUT.... instead 75% of the time was spent catching up on the good old times in jc and all e epic moments lol. back in 0622, havoc and nonsense seems to b e gist of the life haha. rmb e sembawang oct babies birthday which turned out t b e first and last one where e whole class turned up. and then all e i-space moments. LOL.

yea then in e end we actually wanted to go watch percy jackson and e lightning thief... but also failed hahaha as the earliest show was 1630h but jj gotta b at e airport by 1900h. so as usual its a hang and chill day lol.

yes everything we intended to do failed but it was still a great day :D

looking forward to yet a whole week of fun (out of camp!)

PS: i cant figure why certain opposites attract...