Saturday, April 18, 2009


im physically and mentally shagged from the week of outfield. 
i cant take no more immediate assault, quick attack and what ever shit they give including casevac... zzz. freaking rash/heat rash/insect bite frm i dunno where all over my limbs, my skin dun even look anywhere near healthy these days man... hopefully (or mayb not) its not an allergy reaction like Evan...

best of all nxt week got another whole set of outfield exercises. namelyEx. wanderer and Ex. grand slam. after this its more or less over for the course with little left. frankly speaking the morale is getting pretty low these days with ppl OOCing and down-pes or report sick for stupid reasons hence not participating in any of this crap... meaning u will see frens get to enjoy bit of humanity while u are in the mess...

comon man, i gotta pick myself up frm all this and try to get over the nxt couple of weeks first. good grief...